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Benjamin Netanyahu From Opposition Leader To Israels Longest Serving Prime Minister


Benjamin Netanyahu: From Opposition Leader to Israel's Longest-Serving Prime Minister

The Early Years: Likud and Opposition

Benjamin Netanyahu rose to prominence in Israeli politics in 1993 when he was elected chairman of the Likud party, the main centre-right party in Israel. This victory made him the leader of the opposition in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

First Term as Prime Minister (1996-1999)

Youngest Prime Minister

In the 1996 general election, Netanyahu led Likud to victory, becoming Israel's youngest-ever prime minister at the age of 46. During his first term, he oversaw the implementation of significant economic reforms and pursued peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Second Term as Prime Minister (2009-2021)

After a period in opposition, Netanyahu returned to power in 2009 and served as prime minister for a second time, a period that lasted 12 years. During this time, he faced challenges such as the Arab Spring uprisings, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the tensions with Iran's nuclear program.

Return to Power (2022)

In December 2022, Netanyahu was re-elected as prime minister after a close election. He returned to office at a time of political and economic challenges for Israel, and his government faces the task of addressing pressing issues such as the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, the cost of living crisis, and the threat of regional instability.

